The challenge of hiring quality people - Stage 6

Known as the Strategic Stage, one of the top five challenges Stage 6 businesses face is hiring quality people. With between 96-160 employees, the business has two or three times as many employees as the prior Stage. Hiring the people to enable this massive growth is always difficult but can be even more challenging when labor markets are tight. A company that distinguishes itself with clear, compelling values becomes a magnet to people looking for a rewarding place to work.

Typical Symptoms

The typical symptoms that can be found in a company that is struggling with hiring quality people include:

  • open positions remain unfilled

  • requirements for identifying good candidates are unclear

  • new hires are not qualified to perform the work

Key Elements to Address the Challenge

The Organizational ReWilding framework is composed of 11 Elements. Each one is integral to the health and full functioning of a business. When a business is struggling with hiring quality people, there are three elements that should be implemented to address the challenge.

  1. Establishing clear Brand & Core Values helps the company attract the types of candidates it wants to hire.

  2. Improving Master Processes, such as recruiting and onboarding, helps boost the effectiveness of key processes.

  3. Establishing clear roles and responsibilities through Organizational Structure empowers recruiters to locate the right types of candidates and lets interviewees know what is expected of the position.

Why this Challenge Must be Resolved

The only way for a Stage 6 business to continue to grow is if its employees can uphold the same standards and level of performance that grew the company in the first place. If the business cannot successfully attract and retain the right people, it will revert to the previous Stage. Talented employees are looking for exceptional companies to join where their skills and work ethic are rewarded. Stage 6 companies are in a unique position to provide that environment for mutual benefit to company and employee, but only if they are healthy enough to sustain growth.

To get help with implementing the four Elements recommended in this article, contact The ReWild Group or check out our Element Guidebook Series. Not sure what Stage of Growth your business is in? Use the Stage Calculator to find out!