The Exceptional Manager Program

What is it?

The Exceptional Manager Program is a unique 12-month learning experience that shapes your management team into the backbone of an exceptional company.

This Program uses insightful online content and hands-on classroom activities to instill the necessary mindset and skills managers need to create high levels of value for the organization.

Our research and observation shows that managers need a significant period of time to embrace new ideas, adopt new language, and apply new skills and mindset to their daily work.  That is why our unique program spans a 12-month period.  Each class is specifically designed to engage your management team and instill skills in this critical layer of the organization.

At the end of the program, participants say they gained a
40% improvement in effectiveness as a manager and
their team gained a 34% improvement.

What is covered in the program?

At the center of the Exceptional Manager Program is the Management Wheel. The program dedicates a quarter to each of the quadrants of the Management Wheel, training on skills to help participants effectively manage the:


Management Wheel - Filled Center.png

To train the mindset of an Exceptional Manager, the program covers an Ownership Thinking topic in each month including:

Thinking-Doing Sequence
Revenue Groups/Circles
Customer Segments
Ways to Grow Revenue
Profit Mentality
Standard-Custom Continuum
Core & Brand Values
Department Mission
Year 2 Planning

During the program, the participants are introduced to and guided in the implementation of 7 management tools:

Functional Org Chart
Position Role Sheet
KPI Flash Sheet
Process Mapping
One-to-One Process
Meeting Models
Strategy Book

The program is helping me see the business is bigger than just my department, and that I have a responsibility as a manager to think about the entire organization.
— Department Manager

Who is it for?

The management layer comprises 15%-20% of a typical company’s staff; this critical layer of the organization is responsible for the productivity, well-being and development of over 80% of the organization’s employees.  Most management team members have little training in the skills needed to be successful managers. 

The Exceptional Manager Program is designed for this important management layer – including Owners/CEOs, VPs, Directors, Managers, and Supervisors.

What do EMP Participants say?

How does the Owner/CEO benefit?

Our entire leadership team is now communicating more deeply about business topics we have never even discussed before. It’s helped my leadership team really step up by increasing everyone’s level of ownership thinking.

Investing in your management team through the Exceptional Manager Program will create a positive ripple throughout the organization.  It will directly benefit the Owner/CEO by instilling the management team with the mindset and skills to deliver high levels of value to the organization through the effective management of the self, staff, work, and workplace.

Throughout the Program, Owners/CEOs will receive periodic updates on the progress of their team using results of participant assessments.  This delivers insight into the issues your management team is experiencing and how the Program is impacting their daily work. 

After one quarter of EMP, participants experience a 23% reduction
in the frequency of challenges faced.

I recently realized how much of what was covered in EMP had sunk into how I was thinking. My friend is a manager at a grocery store, and she was explaining the challenges she was facing. As I heard her speak, I realized that I had learned principles that help address what she was experiencing. For example, it’s clear that her company would benefit from the Position Role Sheet, which would better define the different positions in her department. There was also no clear reporting structure – no one knew who they really reported to. The functional org chart we created for my company during EMP resolved those types of issues. I knew I was gaining new ideas from EMP, but during that conversation, it became tangible. I’m excited about using what I learned to be better as a manager.
— Store Manager

Who can help businesses implement a Strong Management Team?

Our ReWilders go through a highly structured training process to earn certification. Below are a few of the Advisers who have been certified in the Strong Management Team element. Visit Our Network page to see a complete list of Advisers.

John Byrne | Dublin, Ireland

Kiu Leung | Wisconsin, USA

Phil Bristol | California, USA

Lee Mulberry | Colorado USA

Nathan Robertson | California, USA

Brian Burger | California, USA

Take the Assessment for Quick Insight

Get insight into the challenges that have the greatest impact on your Management Team and find out what skills and tools they need to overcome those challenges.

The Strong Management Team Guidebook


Managers play a key role in the success of every organization. Despite this fact, few managers are provided with the training and tools they need to be successful. The Strong Management Team book lays out the principles, skills, and tools that managers need—starting with the concept of Ownership Thinking, which empowers managers to start thinking like business owners.