Key Element Package
Master Processes

Utilize processes with organizational will and means to reduce variation

What are Master Processes?

Master processes structure.png

The Master Processes engagement facilitates the identification of key processes and systems that are lacking in the organization through surveys, hands-on activities, and group discussions. This engagement helps address challenges with destabilizing chaos, poor staff training, weak project management, and a high cost of lost expertise.

What does the Advisory Services engagement look like?

A Master Processes engagement is facilitated by a Certified Organizational ReWilding Adviser and includes the Leadership Team. Throughout the engagement, video content is used to communicate key principles to participants. In-person meetings trains the participants in process management principles and apply process mapping methods to design processes that are trainable, retainable, and scalable.

How do Master Processes benefit a business?

Companies that complete a Master Processes engagement routinely experience these benefits:

  • Ability to grow with scalable processes

  • Less reliance on individual knowledge for greater company-wide resilience

  • New hires quickly brought up to speed

  • Higher quality products and services

  • Greater ability to isolate and solve problems for faster resolution

  • Better success at adopting new systems

What do Master Processes participants say?


Who can help businesses implement Master Processes?

Our ReWilders go through a highly structured training process to earn certification. Below are a few of the Advisers who have been certified in the Master Processes element. Visit Our Network page to see a complete list of Advisers.

Brian Burger | California, USA

Phil Bristol | California, USA

John Byrne | Dublin, Ireland

Dave Levesque | New York, USA


Larry Nault | Colorado, USA

Chris Kim | Hawaii, USA

Jim Neidhardt | New Jersey, USA


The Master Processes Guidebook


Master Processes are those processes that are critical to the core functions of a business—they are the engine of the organization. By focusing on Master Processes, an organization can greatly improve the quality it delivers across every area. The principles of Master Processes that are explained in this book pave the way toward processes that are not only effective but are actually used—and appreciated—by the people who are charged with implementing them.